Orb Media works with newsrooms around the world to unearth global insights on how to forge a more sustainable future. We freely provide resources and assets for journalists to use in their own reporting alongside our work. Additional information on the organization, upcoming projects and press coverage of our work are added to this resource library as they are available. To request additional information or an interview, please contact us.
Any materials sourced from Orb Media should be credited to us, unless otherwise noted.
On Orb Media.
Fact Sheets & Selected Coverage.
Selected Coverage
VIDEO: She For Social Impact Awards Stay Home Interview with Award Nominee Molly Bingham / May 15, 2020, She For Social Impact Awards
From microplastics to mega-stories: Journalism nonprofit Orb works the global-local angle / Jan 8, 2018, NiemanLab
Molly Bingham On The Media’s Role In Fostering Peace / May 16, 2016, WFPL
Press Releases.
Information on our story releases.
Age Well: Attitudes Matter in a Graying World
Plus Plastic: Microplastics in Global Bottled Water
Plus PlasticPress Release Correction: PepsiCo clarifies that Epura is a proprietary brand of GEPP, which holds exclusive rights to PepsiCo products in Mexico.
Plus Plastic FAQ
Nile Red Fact Sheet
Story Amplification.
Select articles on previous reporting by Orb Media.
Agua de la llave está contaminada con fibras de plástico
September 11, 2017 El Columbiano
Plastic Particles’ Probable Presence In Tap Water Revealed By Recent Study
September 8, 2017 The Science Times
دراسة: نحو 80% من مياه الصنبور حول العالم ملوثة
September 8, 2017 Al Arabiya
সারা দুনিয়ায় কলের জলে প্লাস্টিক ফাইবার
September 8, 2017 Deutsche Welle
पानी में जहर घोलता प्लास्टिक
September 8, 2017 Deutsche Welle
Ormai è dappertutto Dal Pacifico alla Grecia anch'io veleggio in un mare di plastica
September 7, 2017 la Repubblica
Air Jakarta Terkontaminasi Mikroplastik, Apa Dampak Bagi Tubuh?
September 6, 2017 Tempo
'I was alarmed - we take our water for granted'
September 6, 2017 Irish Independent
Hasil Riset: Air di Jabodatek Terkontaminasi Mikroplastik
September 6, 2017 Tempo
Our drinking water is widely contaminated with tiny bits of plastic
September 6, 2017 Irish Independent
Plastic fibres found in tap water around the world, study reveals
September 5, 2017 The Guardian
If you're drinking tap water, you're consuming plastic pollutants
September 5, 2017 PRI